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1、用英语向朋友介绍去三亚游行1. Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan)1.亚龙湾国家旅游度假区Located 25 kilometers east of Sanya city,AsianDragon Bay(Yalong Wan/ Yalongwan Guff/YalongBay)is regarded as the best beach in Hainanprovince. Asian Dragon Bay(Yalong Wan/ Yalong wan/Yanlongwan Gulf/Yalong Bay) boasts unparalleledbeauty. The 7. 5-kilometer(4.7-mile)long,crescent-shaped bay with an area of 18.6 squarekilometers(about 7.2 square miles) is pne of the famous scenic spots in Hainan Province.亚龙湾位于三亚市东25公里处,被视为海南最好的海滩。

2、 亚龙湾全长7. 5公哄(4.7英里),月牙形的海湾而积为18.6平方公里(约7.2平方英里)。


4、 亚龙湾位于海南省的最南端,即离热带海边旅游城市三亚25公里(约7.2英里。

5、With the average temperature a pleasant 25.5 ℃all year-around,Yalong Bay is situated in thesouthernmost part of Hainan Province 25km(about 15.5miles)away from the tropical seasidetourist city,Sanya.The scenery is amazing,with endess rolling hills,serene gulfs,clesr blue seaand silver sand beaches-three times as long as any in Hawaii.Home to several well-preservedcoral reefs with tropical fish of varied kinds,colors and shapes the ocean here is crystalclear,allowing visitors to view underwater sights up 10 meters (33feet)deep from the surface.全年气候宜人,平均温度25.5℃。




9、Yalong Bay boasts the five essential elements of modern tourism :sea,sands,sunshine,lushgreen plants and fresh air. In 1992,the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organizationonce marked that this bay embraces the unique and unparalleled naturalsettings,sands,crystal sea water,endless seashore,unspoiled hills and pristinevegetation,making it a paradise for holiday travelers.亚龙湾现代旅游业引以为豪的五个根本要素是:海水、沙滩、阳光、繁茂的绿色植物和新鲜空气。

10、 1992年,世界旅游组织秘书长曾经评价说:这个海湾拥有独特和无与伦比的自然设施、沙滩、水晶般的海水、绵延无尽的海滨、保存完好的山丘和原始植被,所有这一切,使她成为假日游客的天堂。

11、希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!!!三亚的英文介绍Sanya is superior in geography climate and natural resources. It is known as " the oriental Hawaii" and " Sunshine City" because of its special tropical scenes as well as its attractive nature. Sanya's tourist resources, richly endowed by nature, are not only special in China, but also rare in the world. It is a most fashionable place where tropical marine tourist resources are closely concentrated and lovers of swimming can enjoy their holidays in winter. Within the city, well-known tourist spots are dotted everywhere--the national Yalong Tourist Area, the Tianyahaijia, the Great Eastern Sea, the Luhuitou Peninsula, Sanya Bay and the Luobi Grotto. Besides these, there remain the ancient Yazhou City and relics and a sculpture of the Monk Jianzhen of the Tang Dynasty, who landed ashore to avoid the storm when he was sailing eastwards to Japan. Now the Buddhist Cultural Sightseeing spot has been partly completed and opened to the public. The Nation Hot Springs area is now under construction. It is rare that a city can concentrate all such resources: sunshine, seawater, beaches, climate, forest, animals, hot springs, grottos, customs and countryside. According to statistics, the average per capita life span of Sanya people has risen to 74.5 year old, the highest in China.参考资料:三亚各景点的英文名称有木有晓得的?1,天涯海角游览区,The remotest corners of the globe天涯海角游览区,位于海南省三亚市天涯区,距主城区西南约23公里处,背对马岭山,面向茫茫大海,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。





16、3,鹿回头公园,Luhuitou Park鹿回头公园山顶因有鹿的雕塑而出名,站在鹿回头公园山顶,可以看到南海上的东岛和西岛。


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