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墨西哥风格的名字 墨西哥人名字好听



墨西哥风格的名字 墨西哥人名字好听墨西哥风格的名字 墨西哥人名字好听


Antonio Maldonado Evangelista

antonio 是名字

makdonado 是父亲的姓氏 apeyido de padre

Evangelista 是母的姓氏 apetido de madre

你一半应该叫他的名字 Alejandro



埃尔南德斯 桑托斯 门多萨 托雷斯 卡斯特罗 苏亚雷斯 皮萨罗等等



埃尔南德斯 桑托斯 门多萨 托雷斯 卡斯特罗 苏亚雷斯


Aaron Carter的《America Ao》是不是这首啊

U... S... A.

Bang your heads to this, come on

U... S... A...

Bang your heads to this

I was born, I was raised

In the US of A

I'm livin' in America

A O, A O, A O, A O

And no matter what they say

I'll be livin' here anyway

I'm lovin' you America

A O, A O, A O, A O

Come on

Does that sound a little serious to you

Has Aaron Carter turned red, white and blue

I've been rollin' like this since day one

But I never bring it on in your face I have fun

There's a time to get down

And a time to clown around

Right about now time fix the frown

Face to face and body to body

We're gonna pull through

Come on everybody

Troubled times bring

About troubled vibes

I chill you out, baby

Lemme clear your mind

From New York to Cali

Everywhere inbetween

Nobody gonna stop our dream

I was born, I was raised

In the U S of A

I'm livin' in America

A O, A O, A O, A O

And no matter what they say

I'll be livin' here anyway

I'm lovin' you America

A O, A O, A O, A O

It's where I'm from and where I'm at

I'm feeling proud and i got it like that

it ain't a diss so don't take it like that

the grass ain't greener, uh uh, forget that

From the valleys to the hills, to the snow

All the friends and fam, i know you know

Everybody come together, make it half

Black, White, Spanish, Chinese

Show me what you got uh

Troubled times bring

About troubled vibes

I chill you out, baby

Lemme clear your mind

From New York to Cali

Everywhere inbetween

Nobody gonna stop our dream

I was born, I was raised

In the U S of A

I'm livin' in America

A O, A O, A O, A O

And no matter what they say

I'll be livin' here anyway

I'm lovin' you America

A O, A O, A O, A O

Come on, U S A, bang your heads to this, (comeon)< that one is not there twice;)

Come on, U S A, bang your heads to this

Come on, U S A, bang your heads to this

(Come on, U S A, bang your heads to this)<

I was born, I was raised

In the U S of A

I'm livin' in America

A O, A O, A O, A O

And no matter what they say

I'll be livin' here anyway

I'm lovin' you America

A O, A O, A O, A O

I was born, I was raised

In the U S of A

I'm livin' in America

A O, A O, A O, A O

And no matter what they say

I'll be livin' here anyway

I'm lovin' you America

A O, A O, A O, A O

Bang your heads to this, comeon

I was born, I was raised

In the U S of A

I'm livin' in America

A O, A O, A O, A O

And no matter what they say

I'll be livin' here anyway

I'm lovin' you America

A O, A O, A O, A O

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