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千村古镇旅游攻略作文英语 千年古村的由来


九寨沟是风景名胜区,每年都吸引着无数游客前去游玩,下面我为大家带来 旅游英语 九寨沟英文介绍,欢迎大家阅读!

千村古镇旅游攻略作文英语 千年古村的由来千村古镇旅游攻略作文英语 千年古村的由来


Located in Nanping County, Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou Rine stretches 80 kilometers in one direction and takes up an area of more than 60,000 hectares. The area consists of six scenic spots——Changhai, Jianyan, Nuorilang, Shuzheng, Zharu and Heihai. It becomes a world renowned scenic spot because of its diversity in natural scenery which includes snowy peaks, double waterfalls, colorful forests and green sea. Furthermore, Tibetan customs are another attraction. It was listed as a world heritage site in 1992.

The Rine boasts a number of unique features. The mountains, lakes, natural primeval forest, beautiful flowers all make Jiuzhaigou a fairyland. Mountains ranging 1,980 to about 3,100 meters in height are covered by a variety of trees and plants such as green conifers, luxuriant broadleaf trees and colorful rare flowers and grasses. Scenes change according to the season and the area is particularly colorful in autumn when the wind makes kilometers of tree belt along the lake undulate like a sea we. Waterfalls, lakes, springs, rivers and shoals add to color and the green trees, red lees, snowy peaks and blue skies are reflected from lakes and rivers. Trees grow in the water and flowers blossom in the middle of lakes.

The Shuzheng Scenic Spot is one of the central point of Jiuzhaigou’s landscape. With 40 lakes which extend five kilometers along a valley, the spot covers an area of three square kilometers. The lakes vary in color according to their depths, residues and scenery around them. Among which, Reed Lake is an ideal habitat of birds; Spark Lake appears to move while the jade-like Rhinoceros Lake is a good place for rowing, swimming and rafting. There are also the Shuzheng Waterfalls which he a backdrop of trees.

Nuorilang Scenic Area extends from the Nuorilang Waterfalls to Zhuhai, an area of three square kilometers. The 320-meter-wide Pearl Beach Waterfall and the Five-Color Lake which has a richly colored underwater landscape.

The Sword-Shaped Rock Scenic Area consists of Goose Lake, Suspended Springs, Sword Rock, snow-covered Mountains and primeval forests. Sometimes you can see giant pandas. There is also the 17.8-kilometer Zechawa Rine, the longest and highest in Jiuzhaigou. At the end of it is the eight-kilometer-long Changhai Lake, the largest in the area. In Haizi there is a Five-Color Pond, the brightest lake in Jiuzhaigou.

Undoubtedly, the magnificent view in Jiuzhaigou will make you reluctant to lee, and don’t forget that the autumn is the best season to visit it.

旅游英语九寨沟英文介绍:Natural Features自然概况

Situated in the depths of the mountains in the border area of Napping, Songpan and Pingwu counties in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of northwestern Sichuan,is a fairyland called Jiuzhaigou--Nine-Village Gully. Until recent years,it had remained undisturbed in high mountains due to its inaccessibility,except by some horse trails or mountain paths. Scattered along the gully with the alpine lakes are nine Tibetan settlements,hence the name Jiuzhaigou、meaning"nine villages gully".


Jiuzhaigou Scenic area refers to the"Y"shaped three gullies of Shuzheng, Rize and Zechawa,altogether covering an area of 720km} and stretching out for a total length of over SOkm. It is a habitat of Tibetans,and geologically a cold alpine Karst topography in nature. The nine villoges and the mountain lakes,called"haizi"(sea or son of sea),shining like crystal mirrors,dot in the depth of forests and snow mountains.At the upper most lies the Long Lake,while the Grass Lake is the end of Rize Gully. The two gullies run down northward and join together at Nuorilang to form the beginning of Shuzheng Gully. The height drop amounts to 1 000m or more from the joint of the two gullies to the outlet of Shuzheng Gully. Lining along the distance are 114 stepped lakes(The water is so clear that the bottom is visible despite depths of several dozen meters),between which are 17 waterfall groups(Waterfalls are the essence of the scenery in Jiuzhaigou),11 torrents,and 5 calcareous tufa shoals, forming"a fairy land under the sky" that features in alpine lake groups,waterfall groups,and calcareous tufa shoals,as well as snow mountains,virgin forests, and Tibetan folklore.


Jiuzhaigou Gully boasts for hing the freshest air on the earth,where the horizontal visibility is as far as 50km. The climate there is that of temperate monsoon,sunny,clear, cool in summer but not windy in winter. It is the ideal resort for sightseeing and holidays.


Jiuzhaigou Gully is rich with flora. At present it has 30 000 hectares of natural forests,2 576 species of higher plants as well as 400 species of lower plants. With the numerous lakes and various vegetation,Jiuzhaigou has a self complete ecolog- ical system,which provides the best habitats for wild animals. Investigation shows in the gully there are 170 kinds of vertebrates,and 141 species of birds,of which 3 are under Class I state protection,4 under Class II,and 10 under Class III.


In 1982,the State Council of the People's Republic of China recognized Jiuzhaiyou Gully as a key scenic area of the nation. In December of 1992 it was inscribed on World Heritage List by UNESCO. In October of 1995 it entered reserves for Man and the Biosphere Program.

1982年,中华国务院市定九寨沟为重点风景名胜区 。1992年九寨沟被联合国教科文组织作为自然遗产列入《世界遗产名录》。1995年,九寨沟又荣获联合国人与生物圈委员会颁发的《人与生物圈保护区》证书。


Jiuzhaigou, China's 4. 朋友来你家乡旅游英文作文Fairyland


Sichuan Province in southwest China is renowned for its many fascinatingnatural wonders which he attraaed millions of trelers over the centuries.


The recent discovery of the scenic beauty of Jiuzhaigou (Nine-village Rine)has added charm to the picturesque landscape. Known as "China's Fairyland", Jiuzhaigou is located in the hills along the borders of Nanping,Pingwu and Songpan counties, some 400 kilometers from Chengdu, the pro-vinaal capital. Three scenic areas-Shuzheng qunhaigou, Zechawagou and Rizegou-combine to make up the 60,000 hectares of fairyland, which is nearly 2,500 meters above sea level. Its name "Nine-village Rine"is sup-posed to be because Tibetans once inhabited nine villages in the rine.


Here is a brief record in "Green Lakes", a chapter in the Annals ofNanpingCounty: "In Jiuzhaigou, lakes meander for miles, with wooded hills mir-rored in the clear water." The scene, actually, is much more beautiffil than can be put into words. Sichuan Prorrince is rich in scenic wonders, each with its own distinctive features—the elegance of Mount Emei, the serenity ofMount Qingcheng,the sharp precipice of Jianmen Pass, and the grandeur of Kuimen. But to depict the diverse natural beauty of Jiuzhaigou in one or two words is not nearly enough. "Fairyland",however inadequate, is perhaps the only word to choose.

论山品水,古今时尚。或以诗,或以画,或以游记,或以摄影,运用各种不同的艺术手段,表现出山水风光的风格和个性。九寨沟风光的风格和个性,还在不断探索和认识的过程中.这里,得感谢一位长居山中的藏族老人,他讲述了九寨山水莱源的一则 神话 故事 。他说在很古很古的时候,九寨沟万山丛中,有个男神仙达戈,和美丽的女神仙沃诺色嫫自由恋爱,男神仙用风云磨了一面镜子,送给女神仙作梳妆打扮用;女神仙接镜时失手,摔成108块碎片,散落山中,变成了108个“翠海”。古老的 传说 启发了我们:九寨沟的奇美风光,就在于它有这天然生成的108个“翠海”;从风光的结构上讲,它是以水为主体的,这就有别于其他山水的特色了。

Intrigued by this fairyland, true lovers of nature he tried recording its uniquebeauty in poems, paintings, photographs and trel notes. An old local Tibetan tells the story of Jiuzhaigou: "Once upon a time, there lived deep in the mountains an immortal named Dage and a fairy maiden named Wonuosemo. They fell in love. One day, Dage presented Wonuosemo with a bright mirror which he had polished with the wind and the clouds. Unfortunately, the mirror slipped from the maiden's hand and broke into 108 pieces, each turning into a lake of emerald green."It is no wonder why scenic Jiuzhaigou is so entertaining, with so many distinctive "Green Lakes" reigning over the whole area.


China is a land of scenic contrasts, each uniquely representing its own area: West Lake in Hangzhou with enchanting pilions set in quiet surroundings, Mount Emei in Sichuan with peaks peeping through mist and clouds, Guilin in Guangxi with panoramic views of mountains and rivers. And Jiuzhaigou presents another view. Aged trees we the seasons by, amid carpets of wild flowers and thick green vegetation. Sparkling lakes and waterfalls vary with every season. Some rare trees and grasses, survivors of the glacial epoch,still thrive here in harmony with a host of creatures which make this rine their home, for the land teems with such animals as giant pandas, golden monkeys, takins, white-eared pheasants, deer and river deer. All of this unfolds into a panorama of beautifully balanced fauna and flora. As observers from Nanping County he justly put it, "All the beauty of Jiuzhaigou is endowed by nature. If the natural charm were removed, there would be no more of Jiuzhaigou."Mystic lakes and sparkling waterfalls captivate your eyes as you enter the rine. The trees are their greenest in spring when intensified by colorful flowers. In summer, warm tints spread over the hills and lakelands. As summer merges into autumn, the maple trees turn fiery-red, splashing color through the thickly forested hills. Tranquility pervades primitive Jiuzhaigou throughout the year, particularly at places around Mirror Lake and Five-flower Lake at Rizegou, and Multi-colored Lake at Zechawagou, where a profusion of colors is brought into full harmony with nature. This singular spectacle can only be seen in Jiuzhaigou-a natural preserve.

当然,这并不排除九寨沟风光的其他特点,它的风景点集中,它的三条主沟,各具特色而又富多种魅力。一位 经验 丰富纵览过世界风光的旅游企业家,曾在九寨沟风光妩媚的秋天做了一次短游,他说:“像九寨沟这样美妙的景色,世界上是少有的。”他情不自禁地对陪同他的藏族副说:“你真幸福啊!你是世界上美丽的县的。”

九寨沟风光,不愧是蜀中又一幅新的 山水画 卷。

In addition to this natural beauty Jiuzhaigou, again, is noted for its three scenic areas which are so concentrated in the region and yet so strikingly contrasted with each other that tourists cannot believe their eyes even when they see them. After visiting this fairyland in autumn, a tourist entrepreneur from abroad exclaimed, "Of all the scenic spots the world has ever produced, nothing compares with this." He then turned to his companion, the deputy head of Nanping County, and said, "You are lucky to govern the most beautiful place in the world."Scenic Jiuzhaigou is indeed one of nature's most extragant splendors anywhere and the crowning glory of Sichuan Province.


1. 旅游英语:Hollywood英语介绍

2. 旅游英语阅读:环游世界的九大理由

3. 关于旅游的英语作文范文

4. 关于去挪威旅游的一篇英语文章

泰宁旅游景点介绍作文英文 泰宁旅游景点介绍作文英文版

早晨,但却别有一番风味,它带着清新降临在人间。在车上,导游叔叔正为我们详细地介绍大金湖的情况,我聚精会神地听着,原来泰宁的大金湖,是以盛产黄金而得名的,它有着天下湖山之誉,并且于年被评为 4A 级旅游区和地质公园呢!



今年 十一黄金周,爸爸妈妈约了几家邻居和我们一起去泰宁玩.

汽车在高速公路上奔驰,我们坐在车上一边吃着香甜的零食,一边欣赏路边的美景..车窗外的风景在不断变换 ,田野、湖泊、山峦尽收眼底,远处蓝天白云,碧水青山 ,像一幅凌空展开的美丽的画卷.

我们穿山越岭,三个小时后终于来到了泰宁古城.一进古城我们就被街边的一群奇特的雕塑吸引住了,有将军骑战马、拉牛、红孩子站岗 ······我们来到大金湖,坐上了快艇.快艇开动后,山风拂面,格外凉爽.只见快艇后面水花溅起,形成几条银白色的长龙,漂亮极了.我情不自禁的把手伸到水面,飞溅的浪花打在手上,像无数颗珍珠砸在手心 ,疼疼的.这里红色的山,红色的石头 ,有一个美丽的名字叫丹霞.望着两岸湖光山色,那二重天、观猫岭、猫儿山顶等自然景观,在蓝天白云的映衬下显得格外清晰,令人心旷神怡.









“啊!瞧大金湖到了”。我抑制不住激动地大声喊着。经过两个多小时的路程终于到达了大金湖。我们乘船来到了有着大金湖“水上佛寺”的美称、也被誉为“南方悬空寺”的甘露寺。上岸后,我们沿着蜿蜒蹒跚的小径,望着潺缓急流的溪水,只见峰回路,前边豁然开朗,在绝壁间露出一个天然的石洞,洞顶的巨岩横空而出,一群气势巍然的红色的古建筑物深掩其间-甘露寺。它依山凌空悬架,悬空处只用一根粗大圆形的红柱架托着四根滚圆横木支撑着,红柱顶天立地,坚实不朽。导游叔叔介绍说,当地人称它为“状元柱”。在当地还有个传说:“抱抱状元柱,男得志,女得子。”于是便有许多游客争先恐后对这根已被抚摸得腻圆滑润的状元柱,或着深拥,或着浅揽,期盼能带来好运气。 要登临甘露寺就必须爬101级的石阶,据说这代表“百尺竿头,更进一步”的意思。我信步走上了石阶,呼吸着新鲜的空气,接触春的气息,心情格外的舒畅。许多人爬上后都累得气喘吁吁,我的脚也开始不听使唤,不过我还是坚持爬上了甘露寺。在寺内供奉着观音菩萨,寺庙虽然不大,香火却挺旺,在赤壁丹崖的映照下,显得红光四溢,金壁辉煌。放眼望去一片云雾迷茫,我仿佛置身于仙境之中,真是妙不可言。离开甘露寺,我们又乘船游览湖光,见过仙字岩、寿字岩,见过猫儿山,见过三剑峰和移步换景的镇湖关公岩令我惊叹是水上一线天。船儿慢慢地驶入了狭窄的通道,船与峭壁碰撞的声音,仿佛在演奏一曲雄壮的生命交响乐。我低头看着峡谷深水,又探头望着天空,只见天、壁、水一线相连,这时觉得天真是太高太高了!

大金湖的 “水上佛寺”、“关公岩”、“三剑峰”、“水上一线天”、“天工佛像”、“天然摩崖石刻”等绝世奇观真是美不胜收,我不禁感叹大自然的鬼斧神工,遗憾的是我不会作画,无法用画笔绘下这景象万千,充满山水灵性的水上丹霞奇观。


我看见了大金湖 暑假末期,我和爸爸随旅游团游玩了美丽的泰宁。泰宁的景点很多,有泰宁古城,大金湖,上清溪,等等,各个景点美不胜收,而可能是先入为主吧,早让我陶醉的,是天游览的大金湖。 从福州到泰宁,已经中午,抓紧时间吃了午饭,我们就乘船进入大金湖。


有深绿、墨绿、嫩绿、浅绿、黄绿, 绿的难以形容,似乎画家也描绘不出来这么多的绿色。 船开到一座山前,哗哗的响声打破了原先的宁静,往山前看去,好似一条条白链悬空。船渐渐地靠近过去,离白链越来越近,响声也越来越大,船不能再前进了,我走上船头细看,只见一股洪流从山间直冲而下,到了湖水上面的悬崖,变成瀑布直冲到湖面,激起了沸腾的浪花,大大小小的水珠,随风飘荡,上下漂浮,如烟如雾,如雨如尘,这些小水珠溅到我的身上,把我的头发和衣服都弄湿了。瀑布周围雾气腾腾,在阳光的照耀下,还可以看到一道彩虹悬挂其中,光芒四射,蔚为壮观。

瀑布一直向下溅,虽然不像贵州黄果树瀑布的气势浩大,雄伟壮观,也不能用“飞流只下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”的诗句来形容,但却有一番韵味儿。 船渐渐地离开了瀑布,向前开去,现在,我眼前都是一座又一座的山。这些山形态万千,有的想飘洒的仙女,有的像一对恩爱的夫妻,有的像两只鼻对鼻的大象,又的山中见刻着个寿字,有的山中见刻着个仙字,特别又灵气! 游遍了大金湖,领略到了大金湖的绿水,大金湖的青山、大金湖的瀑布,我陶醉于这水,这山之中,不觉得已是日落时分,我们离大金湖而去,而我的魂魄似乎留下了。



















































今年 十一黄金周,爸爸妈妈约了几家邻居和我们一起去泰宁玩.

汽车在高速公路上奔驰,我们坐在车上一边吃着香甜的零食,一边欣赏路边的美景..车窗外的风景在不断变换 ,田野、湖泊、山峦尽收眼底,远处蓝天白云,碧水青山 ,像一幅凌空展开的美丽的画卷.

我们穿山越岭,三个小时后终于来到了泰宁古城.一进古城我们就被街边的一群奇特的雕塑吸引住了,有将军骑战马、拉牛、红孩子站岗 ······我们来到大金湖,坐上了快艇.快艇开动后,山风拂面,格外凉爽.只见快艇后面水花溅起,形成几条银白色的长龙,漂亮极了.我情不自禁的把手伸到水面,飞溅的浪花打在手上,像无数颗珍珠砸在手心 ,疼疼的.这里红色的山,红色的石头 ,有一个美丽的名字叫丹霞.望着两岸湖光山色,那二重天、观猫岭、猫儿山顶等自然景观,在蓝天白云的映衬下显得格外清晰,令人心旷神怡.




Fuzhou to talk about the changes, it can be called great too! From the river in Taiwan Ting Street talk about it! Pilion Street, not previously in the overhaul, the road is very narrow, only had two cars, and the bumpy road, one when it rains, water everywhere on the road, and inaccessible. Now roads he been repaired, along the road and constructing a new building, into a new commercial street.


Shanghai is the biggest city which lies on the east coast of China. It's on the River Chang Jiang, too. It's older, bigger and busier than Dalian. The buildings are taller and population is over ice larger than that of Dalian-13 million. The weather there is neither too hot nor too cold. Lots of places of interest attract visitors from other countries all the year round. I would like to work there to make more money when I grow up. It's one of the largest trade centers in the world.

1. 如何写一篇《我的家乡》英语作文 My hometown is a beautiful place. The most attractions [attractive things] are the river in front of my house and the green hills opposite my house. On the hills there are dense pine woods。 The river, in which there are all kinds of big and ooth cobbles (圆石块), flows gurgling (汩汩声) in four seasons, with groups of fish and shrimps playing in the water.

5. 描述我喜欢旅游的英语作文

Spring ing, the fields look like a green carpet, and the willows (杨柳) by the river are putting forth a lot of tender branches. With breeze blowing, the long thin branches gently brush the cool and refreshing water; there groups of ducks are hing fun.

Summer follows spring. The children sit on the large stones in the river, where they pat the water and make splashes (水溅声)。 The sound of water, and the noise of the children's chatting and laughing are mixed together. The birds in the woods are unwilling to be lonely, singing and dancing with joy.

Autumn is a bright and colourful season. The lees of the trees on the hills are as red as fire like pieces of rosy clouds. The paddy fields (水稻田) glitter in the sunshine, with dropping ears of rice (稻穗)。 They ripple in the autumn wind just like a golden sea.

In winter, the pine trees on the hills stand like soldiers. They are evergreen. The children lead an active life though the weather is very cold; they skate and dance in the snow, and make snowmen as well. Laughter can be heard everywhere.

Oh, how beautiful my hometown is! It is simply a beautiful picture for every season.

2. 英语作文题目是《我的家乡》怎么写

Wele to my hometown

My hometown is Xiaoshan in hangzhou .It's very beautiful place, famous by the green city. standing near a wide river at the foot of continuous low green hills. Youcan see many birds, for example, swallows and sparrows, fly up and down freely with happy songs.How picturesque my hometown is!In my hometown there is well-konw snack street, zhong shan road. You can taste all kinds of delicious food.The classical old friend powder stems from there.If you he the opportunity to arrive here,Surely do not he to miss here. xiaoshan, a city full of excitement, a vibrant place, a worthy person to like, it is worth people love the city. Wele to my hometown - xiaoshan!

3. 我的家乡英语作文

我的家乡My Hometown My hometown is Xiamen. I was born there elve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. It's near to the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu. Gulanyu is a all island. There are many distinctive buildings and paths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you don't he to worry. And every path has its own beautiful scenery. I love my beautiful hometown. 我的家乡是厦门,十二年前我出生在那里。





篇二:我的家乡My Hometown My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes he taken place there. The streets he been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters he sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the people there. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful. 我的家乡是一个美丽的地方。它位于一条宽大的河流边上,盛产鱼和大米。





篇三:我的家乡My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. 我的家乡是一个美丽的地方。它坐落在一条宽阔的河流旁边,盛产鱼和米饭。

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. 但是以前它是一个贫穷落后的小城镇。很多人都没有工作。

他们过得很艰辛。 In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes he taken place there. The streets he been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres he sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved. 1949年我的家乡解放了。



I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful. 我爱我的家乡。我更爱那里的人。


Dear friend,I am very happy that you are visiting China.Here I am going to introduce some places of interest to help you visit.

First,you should go to BeiJing and go for a look at The BIrd Nest.It is the first national gym.It is on behalf of our Olymipic sport inspirts and

5. 我的家乡英语作文

My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes he taken place there. The streets he been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres he sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful. 大概意思:我的家乡很美丽,但是在很久以前那里很平穷很多人找不到工作 过着艰辛的生活,在1949我家乡解放了 那里发生了很大的改变 有了学校 医院。.我喜欢我家乡 爱我说有家乡的人 他们的努力工作是家乡变得更美

6. 英语作文:我的家乡

i live in _________(写你家乡). I love my hometown. The environment here is pretty good. The trees are green and the sky is blue. There is a big lake behind my house, the water is very clean, and I usually go fishing with my mother. There are also a lot of animals, they are very cute. You see, my hometown is beautiful, wele to my hometown!


7. 怎么用英语去写一篇介绍自己家乡的作文

我的家乡My Hometown My hometown is Xiamen. I was born there elve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visit there. The whole city is clean and tidy. I lived in downtown. It's near to the port, where is the busiest place, because thousands of people go to the Gulangyu. Gulanyu is a all island. There are many distinctive buildings and paths there. You may get lost in so many paths, but you don't he to worry. And every path has its own beautiful scenery. I love my beautiful hometown.我的家乡是厦门,十二年前我出生在那里.我现在住在福建省的首府福州市.厦门是一个很漂亮的城市,每年都有很多游客到这里旅游.整个城市都很干净整洁.过去,我就住在厦门市里,离码头很近.码头是繁忙的地方,因为每天都有成千上万的人从那里去鼓浪屿.鼓浪屿是一个小岛,岛上有许多特色建筑和小道.行走其中,你可能会迷路,但是不必担心,每一条小道都有独特的美丽景色.我爱我美丽的家乡.篇二:我的家乡My Hometown My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes he taken place there. The streets he been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters he sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the people there. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.我的家乡是一个美丽的地方.它位于一条宽大的河流边上,盛产鱼和大米.但是在过去它是一个贫穷落后的小镇.许多人没有工作.他们的生活过得很艰辛.1949我的家乡解放了.自那以后发生了很大的变化.街道已经拓宽.工厂,学校,医院,电影院和剧院如雨后春笋般涌现.人们的生活有了很大的改善.我爱我的家乡和那里的人.他们正在努力工作以使它更丰富、更美丽.篇三:我的家乡My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.我的家乡是一个美丽的地方.它坐落在一条宽阔的河流旁边,盛产鱼和米饭.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.但是以前它是一个贫穷落后的小城镇.很多人都没有工作.他们过得很艰辛.In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes he taken place there. The streets he been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres he sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.1949年我的家乡解放了.自那以后发生了很大的变化.街道已拓宽.工厂,学校,医院,电影院和剧院如雨后春笋般涌现出来.人们的生活大大改善了.I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.我爱我的家乡.我更爱那里的人.他们努力工作来让家乡变得更加的富裕和美丽.。

8. 英语作文:我的家乡









panshui,water has a pleasant climate,let the ethnic customs and karst

scenery for the integration of touri .Karst natural landscape and

cultural sites,more than 30 national splendid folk folkway folk

culture,and sings in the pearl inlaid is WuMeng earth.In liupanshui

downtown area,there is "the sea of fushan" kylin hole park,In LiuZhi

JiangFengJing scenic spot,there is only one Asian ancient heritage,the

ecological folk horns,BeiPanJiang seedling museum's different view; the

mountain valleySea scenic spot,recorded origin,evolution and human

environment evolution of national key wen hole sites,with half the

scripture-stored famous danxia moutain,xu xiake trels the karst

landscape,deep recorded in the evolution process has pleted the

pleasures of plant thousands of ancient ginkgo,county plant paleolithic

sites,greatly hole,and the old factory pastures plateau million mu of

bamboo,Shuicheng wild clock francois langur nature reserve,the above,the

second sixth bianconeri plate making,and meeting county flower,nankai

miao jump and ancient jade pieces of BuYiZu wan yi torch festival,"lang

section mountain",etc.Together with superior geographical

environment,"winter is not too cold,summer is not too hot" climatic

conditions,the authors show for the abundant touri resources provided

by,at the right time.

9. 怎样写英语作文 我的家乡

Dalian is my hometown. It's a pretty city in the northeast of China, and it has a population of 5.3 million people. It's on the coast. It has modern seaport and airport. It is known as the “pearl in the north”. Its scenery is so beautiful and the climate is so pleasant that trelers all over the world e to visit it . it's famous for the seafood, the football team and the International Fashion Festival.

10. 我朋友tom来我家乡游玩的英语作文

Hi Tom,

I am glad that you are ing to Shandong this summer holiday.I he told my parents and they wele you and are happy about it too.

There are a lot of beatiful and historic place in Shandong.Shandong,Qufu is the hometown of the great philosopher Confucius.Qufu served as the capital of the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period.Many of the major cultural sites in the city are all associated with Confucius,such as the three sites of the Temple of Confucius,the Cemetery of Confucius,and the Kong Family Mansion.

The other place that we must visit is Mount Tai.It is one of the Five Sacred Mountains.Back in the ancient times,Mount Tai is one of the principal places where the emperor would pay homage to heen (on the summit) and earth (at the foot of the mountain).

Jinan is also referred as the City of Springs so we shall also visit the Baotu Spring park in Jinan.Baotu Spring has the honor of being referred as the number one spring in the world.Last but not least,i will bring you to enjoy great food because Shandong is famous for her seafood.

I look forward to your visit in this ing August.Send my regards to your parents and younger sister,Jane as well.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua.

Hi Tom,







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