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路书是什么意思 路书是什么东西



路书是什么意思 路书是什么东西路书是什么意思 路书是什么东西









好的路书,要求有每天详细行程安排,行车路线(包括途经的地点、里程、道路特点等),还有途经的景点风光、食宿安排、天气状况等。 。要用心灵去体会、欣赏、感悟所遇到的风景、民俗和可能遇到的一切事情,做好路书非常重要。 由于整个自驾车游往往要好几天,那么每天的行程是多少,就要根据道路情况和沿途景点的多寡来确定了。 外出自驾游的类型,一是体验开车乐趣,一是观赏自然风光,一是领略不同的人文风情。制定一条好的线路,可以将上述几点很好地结合起来。制作路书时,能对所经过的地区的历史、风土人情、自然环境等有一定了解,这样在途经这些地区时会有一个非常感性的把握。 制定路书,除了要根据地图进行外,向走过该条路线的朋友了解情况也非常必要,因为很多因素是地图难以体现的,例如,路况、饮食、住宿、加油站等所在位置,这些要素必须做到心中有数。这样可以让您对所需时间、路途费用有一个大概的估算,还能减少不必要的花费,限度地节省时间和燃油。 能上网的朋友,可以到很多网上俱乐部查阅各种旅游攻略,那里有很多的路书可资借鉴。 在许多出游论坛中s,往往也能查找到相关的游记、行车攻略等资料,一些专业旅游网站也能找到有用的资料。在拥有原始资料的基础上,就可以从中发掘出自己想找的信息了,除了了解有什么风光景致外,了解当地的人文风俗,旅行期间的气候特点,都会对进行一次愉快的旅行有莫大的帮助,特别是去少数民族地区,看看出游期间有没有民族节日,如能遇上当然是再好不过了。出发前,充分了解旅游目的地少数民族的风俗习惯非常重要,以免因误会产生不必要的麻烦。





One、Two、Three、Four、Five或Six:表示弯道缓急 One表示很急,Six表示很缓, 数字表示这个弯所允许的档位 w:F~LO

Care:表示谨慎驾驶 m|

Caution:表示前方有危险,很容易造成车辆损坏 #k

Hairpin:表示非常急的回头弯 o=e8lM

Open:表示道路宽阔 yy&|l

Narrow:表示道路狭窄 J

Tightens:表示弯道越来越急,也可理解为弯道半径越来越小 )R8

Through Gate:表示即将通过大门或门洞等狭窄处 zdGU

Crest:表示路面斜坡的顶端 ~vU`

Bump:表示路面颠簸 )ovTq

Jump:表示路面在前方上升,如果速度过快车辆将离地 hPKZ<5

Bad Camber:表示路面中间高、两边低 (Oph

Cross Road:表示十字交叉路口 "m$`cp

Junction:表示前方有岔路 :

Over Water:表示经过河流或积水路段 ~BBVa;

Over Jump:表示将飞跳并离开路面 )1+

Bridge:表示将驶上桥梁 Kou4|

Slippery:表示湿滑路面 `nQ

Tarmac:表示柏油路面 %Whytm

Grel:表示砂石路面 ~wkZ

Snow:表示积雪路面 eB58

Ice:表示结冰路面 x


Ditch:表示水沟或深沟 }

Cut:表示弯道内侧没有障碍物并允许狠切过弯 W7-_)u

Don‘t Cut:表示弯道内侧有障碍物并严禁狠切过弯 DvShPd

Middle:表示应保持在路面行驶 ZdA

Inside:表示应保持在弯道内侧行驶 Ef

Outside:表示应保持在弯道外侧行驶 mYr

Into:表示“紧接”的意思,即上一弯描述和下一弯描述之间的连接词 WXSl

Examples: !w]

“100, 4 Right“ 表示前方100米有个4档弯。 t

“70, 2 Left And 6 Right“ 表示70米前方有个很急的左弯,并紧接一个高速右弯。 QSi&I

“30, Turn 3 Left, Care Rocks Outside“ 表示30米外有个3档左弯同时弯道外侧有岩石。 [

“6 Crest“ 表示可以全速通过前方的坡顶,下坡处也没有弯道。

回答者: jiashuai85 - 试用期 一级 12-15 14:01


The study of airflow over and around an object and an intrinsic part of Formula One car design.


The middle point of the inside line around a corner at which drivers aim their cars.


An action that a team takes on its drivers' behalf if it feels that they he been unfairly penalised by the race officials.


Weights fixed around the car to maximise its balance and bring it up to the minimum weight limit.


The piece of bodywork mounted vertically between the front wheels and the start of the sidepods to help ooth the airflow around the sides of the car.


The consequence of a tyre, or part of a tyre, overheating. Excess heat can cause rubber to soften and break away in chunks from the body of the tyre. Blistering can be caused by the selection of an inappropriate tyre compound (for example, one that is too soft for circuit conditions), too high tyre pressure, or an improperly set up car.


The carbon fibre sections fitted onto the monocoque before the cars lee the pits, such as the engine cover, the cockpit top and the nosecone.


When a car's chassis hits the track surface as it runs through a sharp compression and reaches the bottom of its suspension trel.

Brake balance刹车平衡

A switch in the cockpit to alter the split of the car's braking power between the front and the rear wheels according to a driver's wishes.


The main part of a racing car to which the engine and suspension are attached is called the chassis.


A tight sequence of corners in alternate directions. Usually inserted into a circuit to slow the cars, often just before what had been a high-speed corner.

Clean air稳定气流

Air that isn't turbulent, and thus offers optimum aerodynamic conditions, as experienced by a car at the head of the field.


The section of the chassis in which the driver sits.


Tread compound is the part of any tyre in contact with the road and therefore one of the major factors in deciding tyre performance. The ideal compound is one with maximum grip but which still maintains durability and heat resistance. A typical Formula One race compound will he more than ten ingredients such as rubbers, polymers, sulphur, carbon black, oil and other curatives. Each of these includes a vast number of derivatives any of which can be used to a greater or lesser degree. Very all changes to the mix can change compound performance.


The rear section of the car's floor or undertray where the air flowing under the car exits. The design of the diffuser is crucial as it controls the speed at which the air exits. The faster its exit, the lower the air pressure beneath the car, and hence the more downforce the car generates.


The aerodynamic force that is applied in a downwards direction as a car trels forwards. This is harnessed to improve a car's traction and its handling through corners.


The aerodynamic resistance experienced as a car trels forwards.

Drive-through penalty处罚通过维修区

One of two penalties that can be handed out at the discretion of the Stewards whilst the race is still running. Drivers must enter the pit lane, drive through it complying with the speed limit, and re-join the race without stopping.

Flat spot过度磨损

The term given to the area of a tyre that is worn heily on one spot after a moment of extreme braking or in the course of a spin. This ruins its handling, often causing severe vibration, and may force a driver to pit for a replacement set of tyres.

Formation lap热身圈

The lap before the start of the race when the cars are driven round from the grid to form up on the grid again for the start of the race. Sometimes referred to as the warm-up lap or parade lap.

G-force G力

A physical force equivalent to one unit of grity that is multiplied during rapid changes of direction or velocity. Drivers experience severe G-forces as they corner, accelerate and brake.


When a car slides, it can cause little bits or rubber ('grains') to break away from the tyre's grooves. These then stick to the tread of the tyre, effectively separating the tyre from the track surface very slightly. For the driver, the effect is like driving on ball bearings. Careful driving can clear the graining within a few laps, but will obviously he an effect on the driver's pace. Driving style, track conditions, car set-up, fuel load and the tyre itself all play a role in graining. In essence, the more the tyre moves about on the track surface (ie slides), the more likely graining is.

Grel trap沙砾缓冲区

A bed of grel on the outside of corners designed with the aim of bringing cars that fall off the circuit to a halt.


The amount of traction a car has at any given point, affecting how easy it is for the driver to keep control through corners.

Installation lap赛前测试圈

A lap done on arrival at a circuit, testing functions such as throttle, brakes and steering before heading back to the pits without crossing the finish line.

Jump start抢跑

When a driver moves off his grid position before the five red lights he been switched off to signal the start. Sensors detect premature movement and a jump start earns a driver a penalty.


Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems, or KERS, are legal from 2009 onwards. KERS recover waste kinetic energy from the car during braking, store that energy and then make it ailable to propel the car. The driver has access to the additional power for limited periods per lap, via a 'boost button' on the steering wheel.

Left-foot braking左脚刹车

A style of braking made popular in the 1990s following the arrival of hand clutches so that drivers could keep their right foot on the throttle and dedicate their left to braking.


The sign on a stick held in front of the car during a pit stop to inform the driver to apply the brakes and then to engage first gear prior to the car being lowered from its jacks.


A course official who oversees the safe running of the race. Marshals he several roles to fill, including observing the spectators to ensure they do not endanger themselves or the compes, acting as fire wardens, helping to remove stranded cars/drivers from the track and using wing flags to signal the condition of the track to drivers.


The single-piece tub in which the cockpit is located, with the engine fixed behind it and the front suspension on either side at the front.


When a car's rear end doesn't want to go around a corner and tries to overtake the front end as the driver turns in towards the apex. This often requires opposite-lock to correct, whereby the driver turns the front wheels into the skid.


Levers on either side of the back of a steering wheel with which a driver changes up and down the gearbox.


An enclosed area behind the pits in which the teams keep their transporters and motor homes. There is no admission to the public.

Parc ferme检录区

A fenced-off area into which cars are driven after qualifying and the race, where no team members are allowed to touch them except under the strict supervision of race stewards.

Pit board维修区提示板

A board held out on the pit wall to inform a driver of his race position, the time interval to the car ahead or the one behind, plus the number of laps of the race remaining.

Pit wall维修区控制墙

Where the team owner, managers and engineers spend the race, usually under an awning to keep sun and rain off their monitors.


An area of track separated from the start/finish straight by a wall, where the cars are brought for new tyres and fuel during the race, or for set-up changes in practice, each stopping at their respective pit garages.


A hard wooden strip (also known as a skid block) that is fitted front-to-back down the middle of the underside of all cars to check that they are not being run too close to the track surface, something that is apparent if the wood is excessively worn.

Pole position杆位/首发

The first place on the starting grid, as awarded to the driver who recorded the fastest lap time in qualifying.


The periods on Friday and on Saturday morning at a Grand Prix meeting when the drivers are out on the track working on the set-up of their cars in preparation for qualifying and the race.


An action lodged by a team when it considers that another team or compe has transgressed the rules.


The knock-out session on Saturday in which the drivers compete to set the best time they can in order to determine the starting grid for the race.

Reconnaissance lap勘查圈

A lap completed when drivers lee the pits to assemble on the grid for the start. If a driver decides to do several, they must divert through the pit lane as the grid will be crowded with team personnel.


When a car has to drop out of the race because of an accident or mechanical failure.

Ride height离地高度

The height between the track's surface and the floor of the car.

Safety Car安全车

The course vehicle that is called from the pits to run in front of the leading car in the race in the event of a problem that requires the cars to be slowed.


The technical checking of cars by the officials to ensure that none are outside the regulations.


For timing purposes the lap is split into three sections, each of which is roughly a third of the lap. These sections are officially known as Sector 1, Sector 2 and Sector 3.


A brief test when a team is trying a different car part for the first time before going back out to drive at 100 percent to set a fast time.


The part of the car that flanks the sides of the monocoque alongside the driver and runs back to the rear wing, housing the radiators.


A driving tactic when a driver is able to catch the car ahead and duck in behind its rear wing to benefit from a reduction in drag over its body and hopefully be able to achieve a superior maximum speed to slingshot past before the next corner.

'Splash and dash'比赛阶段车手进维修站,仅仅补充一些油料以保证能够跑完比赛

A pit stop in the closing laps of the race when a driver calls in for just a few litres of fuel to be sure of making it to the finish.


One of three high-ranking officials at each Grand Prix appointed to make decisions.

Stop-go penalty罚停10秒

A penalty given that involves the driver calling at his pit and stopping for 10 seconds - with no refuelling or tyre-changing allowed.

Tear-off strips头盔面罩保护膜

See-through plastic strips that drivers fit to their helmet's visor before the start of the race and then remove as they become dirty.


A system that beams data related to the engine and chassis to computers in the pit garage so that engineers can monitor that car's behiour.


Literally, the turning or twisting force of an engine, torque is generally used as a measure of an engine's flexibility. An engine may be very powerful, but if it has little torque then that power may only be ailable over a limited rev range, making it of limited use to the driver. An engine with more torque - even if it has less power - may actually prove quicker on many tracks, as the power is ailable over a far wider rev range and hence more accessible. Good torque is particularly vital on circuits with a number of mid- to slow-speed turns, where acceleration out of the corners is essential to a good lap time.


The degree to which a car is able to transfer its power onto the track surface for forward progress.

Traction control牵引力控制

A computerised system that detects if either of a car's driven (rear) wheels is losing traction - ie spinning - and transfers more drive to the wheel with more traction, thus using its more power efficiently. Outlawed from the 2008 season onwards.


The result of the disruption of airflow caused by an interruption to its passage, such as when it hits a rear wing and its horizontal flow is spoiled.

Tyre compound轮胎配方

The type of rubber mix used in the construction of a tyre, ranging from soft through medium to hard, with each offering a different performance and wear characteristic.

Tyre warmer轮胎加热毯

An electric blanket that is wrapped around the tyres before they are fitted to the car so that they will start closer to their optimum operating temperature.


Where the front end of the car doesn't want to turn into a corner and slides wide as the driver tries to turn in towards the apex.


A separate floor to the car that is bolted onto the underside of the monocoque.




One、Two、Three、Four、Five或Six:表示弯道缓急 One表示很急,Six表示很缓, 数字表示这个弯所允许的档位 w:F~LO

Care:表示谨慎驾驶 m|

Caution:表示前方有危险,很容易造成车辆损坏 #k

Hairpin:表示非常急的回头弯 o=e8lM

Open:表示道路宽阔 yy&|l

Narrow:表示道路狭窄 J

Tightens:表示弯道越来越急,也可理解为弯道半径越来越小 )R8

Through Gate:表示即将通过大门或门洞等狭窄处 zdGU

Crest:表示路面斜坡的顶端 ~vU`

Bump:表示路面颠簸 )ovTq

Jump:表示路面在前方上升,如果速度过快车辆将离地 hPKZ<5

Bad Camber:表示路面中间高、两边低 (Oph

Cross Road:表示十字交叉路口 "m$`cp

Junction:表示前方有岔路 :

Over Water:表示经过河流或积水路段 ~BBVa;

Over Jump:表示将飞跳并离开路面 )1+

Bridge:表示将驶上桥梁 Kou4|

Slippery:表示湿滑路面 `nQ

Tarmac:表示柏油路面 %Whytm

Grel:表示砂石路面 ~wkZ

Snow:表示积雪路面 eB58

Ice:表示结冰路面 x


Ditch:表示水沟或深沟 }

Cut:表示弯道内侧没有障碍物并允许狠切过弯 W7-_)u

Don‘t Cut:表示弯道内侧有障碍物并严禁狠切过弯 DvShPd

Middle:表示应保持在路面行驶 ZdA

Inside:表示应保持在弯道内侧行驶 Ef

Outside:表示应保持在弯道外侧行驶 mYr

Into:表示“紧接”的意思,即上一弯描述和下一弯描述之间的连接词 WXSl

Examples: !w]

“100, 4 Right“ 表示前方100米有个4档弯。 t

“70, 2 Left And 6 Right“ 表示70米前方有个很急的左弯,并紧接一个高速右弯。 QSi&I

“30, Turn 3 Left, Care Rocks Outside“ 表示30米外有个3档左弯同时弯道外侧有岩石。 [

“6 Crest“ 表示可以全速通过前方的坡顶,下坡处也没有弯道。


The study of airflow over and around an object and an intrinsic part of Formula One car design.


The middle point of the inside line around a corner at which drivers aim their cars.


An action that a team takes on its drivers' behalf if it feels that they he been unfairly penalised by the race officials.


Weights fixed around the car to maximise its balance and bring it up to the minimum weight limit.


The piece of bodywork mounted vertically between the front wheels and the start of the sidepods to help ooth the airflow around the sides of the car.


The consequence of a tyre, or part of a tyre, overheating. Excess heat can cause rubber to soften and break away in chunks from the body of the tyre. Blistering can be caused by the selection of an inappropriate tyre compound (for example, one that is too soft for circuit conditions), too high tyre pressure, or an improperly set up car.


The carbon fibre sections fitted onto the monocoque before the cars lee the pits, such as the engine cover, the cockpit top and the nosecone.


When a car's chassis hits the track surface as it runs through a sharp compression and reaches the bottom of its suspension trel.

Brake balance刹车平衡

A switch in the cockpit to alter the split of the car's braking power between the front and the rear wheels according to a driver's wishes.


The main part of a racing car to which the engine and suspension are attached is called the chassis.


A tight sequence of corners in alternate directions. Usually inserted into a circuit to slow the cars, often just before what had been a high-speed corner.

Clean air稳定气流

Air that isn't turbulent, and thus offers optimum aerodynamic conditions, as experienced by a car at the head of the field.


The section of the chassis in which the driver sits.


Tread compound is the part of any tyre in contact with the road and therefore one of the major factors in deciding tyre performance. The ideal compound is one with maximum grip but which still maintains durability and heat resistance. A typical Formula One race compound will he more than ten ingredients such as rubbers, polymers, sulphur, carbon black, oil and other curatives. Each of these includes a vast number of derivatives any of which can be used to a greater or lesser degree. Very all changes to the mix can change compound performance.


The rear section of the car's floor or undertray where the air flowing under the car exits. The design of the diffuser is crucial as it controls the speed at which the air exits. The faster its exit, the lower the air pressure beneath the car, and hence the more downforce the car generates.


The aerodynamic force that is applied in a downwards direction as a car trels forwards. This is harnessed to improve a car's traction and its handling through corners.


The aerodynamic resistance experienced as a car trels forwards.

Drive-through penalty处罚通过维修区

One of two penalties that can be handed out at the discretion of the Stewards whilst the race is still running. Drivers must enter the pit lane, drive through it complying with the speed limit, and re-join the race without stopping.

Flat spot过度磨损

The term given to the area of a tyre that is worn heily on one spot after a moment of extreme braking or in the course of a spin. This ruins its handling, often causing severe vibration, and may force a driver to pit for a replacement set of tyres.

Formation lap热身圈

The lap before the start of the race when the cars are driven round from the grid to form up on the grid again for the start of the race. Sometimes referred to as the warm-up lap or parade lap.

G-force G力

A physical force equivalent to one unit of grity that is multiplied during rapid changes of direction or velocity. Drivers experience severe G-forces as they corner, accelerate and brake.


When a car slides, it can cause little bits or rubber ('grains') to break away from the tyre's grooves. These then stick to the tread of the tyre, effectively separating the tyre from the track surface very slightly. For the driver, the effect is like driving on ball bearings. Careful driving can clear the graining within a few laps, but will obviously he an effect on the driver's pace. Driving style, track conditions, car set-up, fuel load and the tyre itself all play a role in graining. In essence, the more the tyre moves about on the track surface (ie slides), the more likely graining is.

Grel trap沙砾缓冲区

A bed of grel on the outside of corners designed with the aim of bringing cars that fall off the circuit to a halt.


The amount of traction a car has at any given point, affecting how easy it is for the driver to keep control through corners.

Installation lap赛前测试圈

A lap done on arrival at a circuit, testing functions such as throttle, brakes and steering before heading back to the pits without crossing the finish line.

Jump start抢跑

When a driver moves off his grid position before the five red lights he been switched off to signal the start. Sensors detect premature movement and a jump start earns a driver a penalty.


Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems, or KERS, are legal from 2009 onwards. KERS recover waste kinetic energy from the car during braking, store that energy and then make it ailable to propel the car. The driver has access to the additional power for limited periods per lap, via a 'boost button' on the steering wheel.

Left-foot braking左脚刹车

A style of braking made popular in the 1990s following the arrival of hand clutches so that drivers could keep their right foot on the throttle and dedicate their left to braking.


The sign on a stick held in front of the car during a pit stop to inform the driver to apply the brakes and then to engage first gear prior to the car being lowered from its jacks.


A course official who oversees the safe running of the race. Marshals he several roles to fill, including observing the spectators to ensure they do not endanger themselves or the compes, acting as fire wardens, helping to remove stranded cars/drivers from the track and using wing flags to signal the condition of the track to drivers.


The single-piece tub in which the cockpit is located, with the engine fixed behind it and the front suspension on either side at the front.


When a car's rear end doesn't want to go around a corner and tries to overtake the front end as the driver turns in towards the apex. This often requires opposite-lock to correct, whereby the driver turns the front wheels into the skid.


Levers on either side of the back of a steering wheel with which a driver changes up and down the gearbox.


An enclosed area behind the pits in which the teams keep their transporters and motor homes. There is no admission to the public.

Parc ferme检录区

A fenced-off area into which cars are driven after qualifying and the race, where no team members are allowed to touch them except under the strict supervision of race stewards.

Pit board维修区提示板

A board held out on the pit wall to inform a driver of his race position, the time interval to the car ahead or the one behind, plus the number of laps of the race remaining.

Pit wall维修区控制墙

Where the team owner, managers and engineers spend the race, usually under an awning to keep sun and rain off their monitors.


An area of track separated from the start/finish straight by a wall, where the cars are brought for new tyres and fuel during the race, or for set-up changes in practice, each stopping at their respective pit garages.


A hard wooden strip (also known as a skid block) that is fitted front-to-back down the middle of the underside of all cars to check that they are not being run too close to the track surface, something that is apparent if the wood is excessively worn.

Pole position杆位/首发

The first place on the starting grid, as awarded to the driver who recorded the fastest lap time in qualifying.


The periods on Friday and on Saturday morning at a Grand Prix meeting when the drivers are out on the track working on the set-up of their cars in preparation for qualifying and the race.


An action lodged by a team when it considers that another team or compe has transgressed the rules.


The knock-out session on Saturday in which the drivers compete to set the best time they can in order to determine the starting grid for the race.

Reconnaissance lap勘查圈

A lap completed when drivers lee the pits to assemble on the grid for the start. If a driver decides to do several, they must divert through the pit lane as the grid will be crowded with team personnel.


When a car has to drop out of the race because of an accident or mechanical failure.

Ride height离地高度

The height between the track's surface and the floor of the car.

Safety Car安全车

The course vehicle that is called from the pits to run in front of the leading car in the race in the event of a problem that requires the cars to be slowed.


The technical checking of cars by the officials to ensure that none are outside the regulations.


For timing purposes the lap is split into three sections, each of which is roughly a third of the lap. These sections are officially known as Sector 1, Sector 2 and Sector 3.


A brief test when a team is trying a different car part for the first time before going back out to drive at 100 percent to set a fast time.


The part of the car that flanks the sides of the monocoque alongside the driver and runs back to the rear wing, housing the radiators.


A driving tactic when a driver is able to catch the car ahead and duck in behind its rear wing to benefit from a reduction in drag over its body and hopefully be able to achieve a superior maximum speed to slingshot past before the next corner.

'Splash and dash'比赛阶段车手进维修站,仅仅补充一些油料以保证能够跑完比赛

A pit stop in the closing laps of the race when a driver calls in for just a few litres of fuel to be sure of making it to the finish.


One of three high-ranking officials at each Grand Prix appointed to make decisions.

Stop-go penalty罚停10秒

A penalty given that involves the driver calling at his pit and stopping for 10 seconds - with no refuelling or tyre-changing allowed.

Tear-off strips头盔面罩保护膜

See-through plastic strips that drivers fit to their helmet's visor before the start of the race and then remove as they become dirty.


A system that beams data related to the engine and chassis to computers in the pit garage so that engineers can monitor that car's behiour.


Literally, the turning or twisting force of an engine, torque is generally used as a measure of an engine's flexibility. An engine may be very powerful, but if it has little torque then that power may only be ailable over a limited rev range, making it of limited use to the driver. An engine with more torque - even if it has less power - may actually prove quicker on many tracks, as the power is ailable over a far wider rev range and hence more accessible. Good torque is particularly vital on circuits with a number of mid- to slow-speed turns, where acceleration out of the corners is essential to a good lap time.


The degree to which a car is able to transfer its power onto the track surface for forward progress.

Traction control牵引力控制

A computerised system that detects if either of a car's driven (rear) wheels is losing traction - ie spinning - and transfers more drive to the wheel with more traction, thus using its more power efficiently. Outlawed from the 2008 season onwards.


The result of the disruption of airflow caused by an interruption to its passage, such as when it hits a rear wing and its horizontal flow is spoiled.

Tyre compound轮胎配方

The type of rubber mix used in the construction of a tyre, ranging from soft through medium to hard, with each offering a different performance and wear characteristic.

Tyre warmer轮胎加热毯

An electric blanket that is wrapped around the tyres before they are fitted to the car so that they will start closer to their optimum operating temperature.


Where the front end of the car doesn't want to turn into a corner and slides wide as the driver tries to turn in towards the apex.


A separate floor to the car that is bolted onto the underside of the monocoque.



路书是指详细的自驾车旅行,类似于传统旅游指南或攻略,但内容更加细致、具体。路书一般包括的地址、沿途风光、住宿安排、费用支出等旅行信息,而且通常包含一些实用的地图、导航、道路状况、交通条件等实时信息。 路书的制作需要耗费大量的时间和精力,需要查询大量资料和进行实地考察,一般只有深度自驾车爱好者或者专业旅游机构才会制作。一些专业的路书制作工具,如阿哈路书、路书科技等,也可以帮助用户更加方便地制作路书。 路书中包含的信息非常丰富,可以根据个人兴趣和需求进行定制。如果你想进行自驾车旅行,可以根据自己的兴趣和需求,参考路书中的信息来规划自己的行程和路线。




自驾旅游想必是每位有车人士的至爱,但是这一路上除了美景和好心情,还会遇到不少意料不到的情况,或者是意外惊喜,或者是有惊无险。总之,“经验”对于每一位出游人士来说,都是“有备无患”的。笔者在五一长假期间,与朋友驾车穿行于浙、赣、皖三省,总行程近1500公里,在此把自己的一些出游感受与大家分享。 “路书”可简可繁要对旅游目的地及沿途的情况作调查研究,编写出自己的“路书”。调查的内容包括选择路线,了解路况、沿途景点、风土人情、气候及近期天气变化情况,安全状况等。信息来源可以选购一本的行车地图,上网检索自己所需要的资料和信息,汲取网上各位先行网友介绍的经验,制定出自己的旅游和行车线路。每日的行程,走多少公里,何时何地吃午饭,何地住宿都应有一个大致的安排。作的时候要保守一些,要留有余地,因为路途中总会出现一些事先无法预料到的情况。总之,事先准备越充分,旅途中的困难就越小。 出游人数有讲究 自驾游一般以2到4部车子同行,太多往往难以组织,路途中难以协调,经常跑丢车子,浪费许多时间,耽误行程。单车则没有照应,万一在荒野中抛锚,则要经历一番折磨。每部车有2位司机,乘员3人。后排座位轮流睡觉休息,当然从经济角度出发,则是4人为妙,人均油料和路桥费则要经济许多。这次出行我们一行3辆车,而笔者的车上就正好是4个人,其中两个轮流开车,这样既安全省力又能平摊开支。 租车自驾不可取 自驾车的条件是自己有车,租车出游并不可取,因为租赁公司的车子常年出租,车况较,长途旅行极不可靠,把你扔在路上事小,如果发生事故,损失就大了。当然没车的朋友可以与有车的朋友组合一起外出,对双方都有利。 随车工具要带齐 自驾出游带上必备的工具和配件:除了原车所配的千斤、火花塞套筒和轮胎螺丝套筒以外,还要有几件基本的随车工具,如大活动扳手、一套开口或者梅花扳手,十字改锥和平口改锥各一把,尖嘴钳和钢丝钳各一把,剪刀一把,电动气泵或者手工气筒(注意要有为汽车气门心配套的充气嘴)。笔者在出发前发现轮胎螺丝套筒不见了,就特地去汽配市场买了一把以妨万一。汽车配件可带火花塞2只,发电机皮带1根,备用保险丝、刹车油和机油。另外还应准备一把工兵铲和一根拖车绳。如果是多车出行,这些装备有一套就可以了。 后勤保障要到位 根据所了解的气候情况带上足够的衣服(包括防雨具),长途旅行饮食卫生十分重要,一定要保证喝上干净的饮水和清洁的食物。所以车上要带一箱矿泉水或纯净水,要准备一些不容易变质的食品,如方便面、听装八宝粥、饼干、巧克力、牛肉干、坚果类等,以备没有合适的吃饭地点时用。另外可以带一只10升塑料桶装上新鲜的自来水(每天更新),既可用于洗手,又可在饮水短缺时应急。在连续长距离上山时水箱易开锅缺水,在连续长距离下山时频繁刹车易导致刹车失灵,这时它都能派上用场。当然如果多车出行,后备箱空间富裕,还可以考虑带上帐篷、小气罐、压力锅和备用汽油箱。 住宿能省就省 自驾车旅游油耗、路桥费、住宿费和景点门票是的四项开支。其中前两项是没法节省的,门票可以根据情况节省,住宿费也有节省的余地。譬如不住宾馆,选择条件尚不错的单位招待所;自己有车子,没有必要非住到大城市和景点附近,可以选择住在临近景点的小县城或镇子,住宿便宜,消费低廉,条件还不错。当然要选择有存车条件的地方住宿。 对讲机必不可少 说起自驾游途中用到的电子设备,首当其冲的就是对讲机了。对讲机为出行车辆和人员之间的沟通提供了极大方便。虽说必要时还有手机可以联系,但排除通信费因素的话如果到了信号盲区那手机就不管用了,而对讲机只要有电就可以全天候工作。所以说配备对讲机时选择待机时间长和有效范围大的机型。 一般可在住宿的客房里,利用夜间为手机、对讲机、照相机、摄像机和相机伴侣等设备的电池充电,但是客房里的电源插座有限,所以应自带一个多插孔的电源接线板。汽车上配一台把直流12V转换为220V的电源逆变器,在行车途中为这些设备的电池充电。




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