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假期出来度假 假期出来玩的说说


1、休假:我的理解是今天没上班The bi的机票台北来回只要新台币4295元!g holiday is coming. Oh, God! I can't wait! Wana know my plans are? Come, sit. Let me tell you slo度假的时间一般从几天到几周不等。

2、以下是一些常见的度假时间长度:wly. :)I he always wanted to visit the Honolulu.Know why? casue the beach ,the bitchs,the night life man! Huh..Okay, kidding aside. I'm gona check out the Foster Botanical Garden. I heard it's lovely out there.It was built in the middle of the 19th century by the German doctor. There are many century-old trees. And the Bishop Museum. Oh, man. It's the largest museum in Hawaii. You wanted to know. That's it. Now,tell me yours!。


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